

秘封風アルバム『北海道調査~Traces of Utopian Civilisation』のストーリー日本語訳

フランス人・Aka Kyuketsuki氏による秘封風アルバム『北海道調査~Traces of Utopian Civilisation』という素晴らしい東方二次創作作品がある。




[Touhou-Style Composition] ToUC Track 1 : The Theorists' Interpretation of "Fantasia"

(一曲目「The Theorists' Interpretation of "Fantasia"」より始まる一連の動画の概要欄にそのストーリーが載っている。)

そこで、今回はそのストーリーとあとがきの全文を日本語に翻訳*1したのでご紹介する。(Aka Kyuketsuki氏ご本人には了承を頂いています。)




*El Dorado, a mythical golden city whose existence is mentioned only in tales of old.
- The Duo explores the enigma shrouding this Utopia.*

#01 The Theorists' Interpretaion of "Fantasia"

"Oh, this looks interesting."
"What does, Merry?"
"Ever heard about El Dorado? This book's talking about it."
"Myths about gold and greed, huh?"

Many tales about this city of gold exalted men through history.
Despite being described in history books, El Dorado remains yet a mystery.
In this current Japan, such a place would have already been discovered and exploited by scientists.
However, fairytales are long forgotten and humiliating to genuinely believe.

The tangible and intangible share a thin border in literature, as myths hold different metaphors and interpretations.
Every fairytale holds a moral to follow, to bring understable and necessary catharsis for all.
To warn men about their flaws and to purify their souls.

"What if this city was stuck between illusion and reality?"


#01話 理論家たちによる「ファンタジア」の解釈*2


この黄金都市について書かれた多くの物語は 歴史を通して人々を熱狂させてきた。



#02 Refreshing Earth of Krummholz / "Recollection of Snow and Gold"

"So you're saying this legendary city is likely to exist?"

It was no uncommon task for men to search and risk their lives to cleanse their hearts of doubt.
The search for El Dorado was an arduous journey, but all who sought the city of legend had one common goal in mind: Glory.
A man, a king, a city, a kingdom and even an empire: these were all considered to be of El Dorado.

"I remember seeing a powerful light coming from snowy mountains. It was probably located in the North of Japan."
"I have to say, most of your dreams usually bring us closer to fantastic discoveries."
Maribel paused.
"You know, this time I want to approach this in a more careful manner."
"Are you still doubtful since the TORIFUNE incident? We aren't obligated to go if you don't feel like it."

The dreams Maribel witnessed were no illusions. It's quite a grey area to even call them dreams.
During an expedition on the TORIFUNE Satellite,
Maribel got attacked by a chimera-like monster and got injured in the process.
She knows what Renko sees as dreams shouldn't be treated as such.

"...But knowing you, you wouldn't have brought up this subject if you weren't ready to go, am I right?"
"You read my mind like an open book, Renko. I want to see it with my own eyes."
"To Hokkaido it is, then."

#02話 クルムホルツの爽やかな大地/Recollection of Snow and Gold



「鳥船異変のことをまだ疑ってるの? あなたにその気がないなら、別に行かなくたっていいのよ」



#03 Hidden Under the Willows ~ Ancient Backwoods / "Frozen Wilderness Expedition"

"There we are Renko! We made it!"
"Are you sure we're at the right peak?"

Below the soft snowy sky, the duo was exploring the area excitedly.
After a while, they stumbled upon a strange structure.

"Oh, this structure...
If I'm not mistaken, isn't this a Shinto shrine?"
"I had no idea there was a shrine hidden in Hokkaido's mountains..."
"Sometimes, you can find the most unexpected things in unexplored places."
"What is it honoring anyway? A cult of some sort?"
Maribel didn't respond: she had no idea how to.

Shrines are structures created by man, made to accommodate the worship a superior entity or higher power.
However, it wasn't certain whether this remote shrine's god was benevolent or not.

"Descend, bold traveller, into the crater of the jökull of Snæfell,
of which the shadow of Scartaris touches before the Kalends of July, and you will reach the centre of the earth."
"What are you saying, Merry? Did you read too much Jules Verne?"
"Perhaps? I have been reading quite a few novels lately. I just noticed the similarity, that's all.
Maybe he witnessed something in his dreams, then wrote it down in the form of fiction?"
"Or he just got inspired from other authors.
In the world of literature, there's no way to distinguish reality and fantasy after all."

Behind the shrine was a mysterious entrance to a cave, deep enough to emphasise both the pitch-black darkness
and the faint light and heat of magma.

"Let's do this, Renko." 

#第03話 柳の下に隠れて ~ Ancient Backwoods/Frozen Wilderness Expedition



「何を祀っているのかしら? 何かカルトの類?」


「何を言ってるの、メリー? ジュール・ヴェルヌを読み過ぎたの?」
「まあね? 最近、かなりの数の小説を読んでるのよ。似ていると思っただけ。ヴェルヌは夢の中で何かを見て それを小説にしたんじゃない?」




#04 Curious Capital of Sheen and Beauty

The mountain peak the duo entered seemed to be an active volcano.
Deep inside the cave, The magma was calmly flowing.

The girls walked down slowly, following a small path led by the cave.
In front of them was a light that seemed to be different from the one from the magma below.
They walked towards the light...

"Tell me I'm dreaming right now. I've seen unbelievable things when crossing these barriers, but this..."
"Everything is made of gold ! Is this city that rich?"

Gold intricately ornamented every structure in sight, glittering radiantly under the blazing sun.
Remarkably different from the view of the monotonously dull, towering structures of Japan's skyscrapers,
the girls' vantage point presented them a small view of a cozy village instead.

"We're not mistaken! El Dorado! We made it"
"The legend of this city has been around for ages, yet nobody found it... I wonder why."
"I'm pretty sure there're a lot of people who have already found this place. In their dreams, at least.
But the existence of this place is best kept secret."
"Ah right, this amount of gold could effortlessly ruin the world's economy."
"That's right. Sometimes, keeping secrets isn't as bad as speaking a chaos-inducing truth.
I'm sure other people who found it also thought like us."

Renko looked at one of the houses closely, then poked its surface.

"Although... I don't think this is pure gold. 24-carat gold is way too soft to hold anything together."
"Quite the clever statement, Renko. Observing anything from a scientist's eye, don't you?"
"Heh, well it's necessary to evaluate the goods of this utopia, after all."

Maribel started to look at the dim sky. It was no longer a rocky roof, as it let its place for an afternoon sun.
"There was a legend that this gold was made from the greed of Hell's vengeful spirits."
"So you're saying all this gold comes from the dead? That's creepy..."
"Gold also causes humans to be greedy, and when the said humans die, they become gold. It's a vicious cycle.
Also, those with malevolent minds might also have metals like mercury and arsenic formed using the same method, too."
"Merry, don't scare me like that."

#第04話 輝きと美しさの奇妙な都


少女たちは奥へと続く 頼りない小道を辿りながら、ゆっくりと下っていった。






「この金塊は全て死者のものだってこと? 気味が悪いわね……」


#05 Orwell's Quarantined Utopia / "Neo-Utopian City"

As the girls continued exploring the city, they noticed this place wasn't exactly empty.
There were actually quite a few people around, as if it were all a huge market place.

"Let's have a look around, shall we?"
"Yes, I'm pretty excited, actually!"

The stalls were selling ordinary things. Fruits, vegetables, meat, fishes...

"This food looks like the real deal, that's impressive."
"So, do you think we can buy any rare items here?"
"I hope so, bringing home a little souvenir from this place sounds like a dangerous yet exciting thing to do."
"Ah, I didn't bring my wallet though. Do you think I can snatch one gold ingot and trade it? Haha."
"What currency do you think they use here anyway?"
"I'd like to state the obvious, but it seems we'll have to see how it works ourselves."

The girls walked towards the many stalls that were available.
There weren't too many people around, and nobody saw the duo as strangers.
It was then that a delicate and familiar smell wafted under their nose. It was the smell of tempura.
"Man, all this food around, I'm so hungry..."
"Renko, did you skip breakfast this morning?"
"Well, I thought this wasn't too much of a loss, but now I regret it immensely..."
"Can't be helped; let's find out if we can buy some food then."

They quickly looked at a passerby to observe what currency would be used. As he approached an apple stall,
the man waved to a merchant and observed the fruit.
Surprisingly, he left with it without paying anything.

"Hey... Isn't that stealing? Could that mean everything here is free to take?"
"That's a peculiar system. No currency whatsoever? Looks like this city is actually richer than we thought."
"Say, I think we clear any doubts before getting in trouble."
"I agree, let's ask the merchant."

As they advanced, the merchant noticed them and waved them welcome with a smile. Renko decided to start the conversation.
"Excuse me..."

Renko was greeted back with a crude expression of pure horror. Everyone stopped to look at the duo, terrified.
"Err, I mean..."

The merchent hesistantly gestured for her to come closer. He began to whisper:
"Please stay silent. Take what you need and leave."

#05話 オーウェルの隔離された黄金世界/Neo-Utopian City




「あ、財布は持ってきてないんだった。金のインゴットを一つ取ってきて、それと交換できると思う? あはは」



「変なシステムね。通貨がないってことかしら? この街は思ってたより豊かなようだし」





#06 The Undecided Fate of the Altered Strings / "Golden Dream, to a Nightmare"

Speech is silver, silence is golden.
Language has always remained the first manner of intersubjectivity in every part of our society.
Was it a social ethic to remain silent in this golden world? Or was it something else to repress it?
The duo rushed to an empty alley to reflect.

"Now that was creepy."
"So that's why nobody was saying a thing... That's good to remember."
"Say Merry, I know we're in a totally different world here, and their ethics could easily be different than ours,
but I think something wrong is going on in this place."
"Something even more unusual is happening. Renko, the merchant did talk to you, right?"
"He did... Wait, are you implying..."
"Exactly, are we even dreaming in the first place?"

When Maribel shared her dream with Renko in order to pass through the Ame-no-Torifune shrine's barrier,
only she was physically affected by the rules of that world.
Renko could only witness that world immaterially, like a dream. She could not interact, only see.

"I'm pretty sure we went to sleep together to experience a shared dream. Did something go wrong?"
"I don't know, but people shouldn't be able to see you."
"This is getting dangerous, I think we should try to wake up."
"It won't be that easy. If it was really a dream, then consciously waking up would still be a hard thing to do.
And if this is reality, then we'd need to get out of here and go home by foot."
"Hokkaido to Kyoto by foot? No way..."
"I suppose we'll need to solve more mysteries than expected."

 #第06話 変更されたひもの未定な運命/Golden Dream, to a Nightmare

この黄金の世界で沈黙を保つことは社会倫理だったのだろうか? それとも、それを抑圧するための何か別のものだったのだろうか?





#07 A Maiden's Nonsensical Bunraku / "Another Quantum State"

Illusion? Reality? The two were pretty uncertain.
Lucidity in a dream questions the proper nature of a dream and can turn the odds to the dreamer's favor.
Once the dreamer knows he's dreaming, his conscious dominates the subconscious and gains control over it.
In this situation, Maribel and Renko have no idea whether they are dreaming or not: they have lost control over it.

"Let's think about it, shall we?"
"I'll recap then."

Renko and Maribel decided to explore the city a little bit more, while whispering their thoughts to each other.

"We decided to go to sleep together in order to explore the place you mentionned in your dreams.
Then, when we got there, we discovered this shrine and found a cave leading to El Dorado. And there we are."
"Hmm, the question is, when did we cross the barrier? I should've been able to see it."
"That's true. Maybe your powers grew enough to share it with me."
"That's a possibility, however I think we should've woken up by now."
"We should consider ourselves out of a dream state for a subjective point of view."
"But this would mean everything we're seeing is real, right?"
"Well then, what do you think has happened to us?"
"...I think we might be stuck between two quantum states, just like Schrödinger's Cat."
"So we're both in a dream and reality, huh?"

In the past, since people couldn't often distinguish fantasy from reality,
there were many people with "fantasy-prone personality", a mind with a much greater imagination.
Perhaps they were just seeing a different world, and a majority of narrow-minded people rejected them for the sake of
being different?
There might be universal travelers who got stuck in a quantum state, living in both reality and fantasy.
Right now, in a world where science has advanced too far, fantasy is not quite a relevant topic anymore, however.

#第07話 少女の無意味な文楽/Another Quantum State




「うーん、問題はいつ結界を越えたのかってことね? 見えていたはずなんだけど」



#08 Diamond Tears in the Palace

Lost in their thoughts, the duo stumbled across a gigantic building.
It was the tallest of the city, as well as the most noticably appealing to the eye.
They both decided to enter, in hopes of finding a few clues for solving the mysteries at hand.

As they advanced into the entrance, the warm sunlight gradually disappeared behind.
The inside had no windows, but was brightly lit thanks to diamonds reflecting artificial lights.

"Makes us really wonder if we're dreaming right now. Do you think someone lives here ?"
"I'd rather not intrude someone's home like that, but it is answers we're here to seek, I'm willing to take the risk."
"You're right, I'm with you."

Maribel and Renko slowly walked in the only corridor that was accessible through the hall.
Gold and Diamonds were everywhere in every form : stones, furniture, ingots...
Renko noticed a diamond cup filled with liquid gold, picking it up to inspect it more closely.

"This isn't right... If gold was this liquid, it would to be hot enough to melt this cup."
"Gold's melting point is 1064°C, correct ?"
"Exactly. Maybe it is fake gold after all."
"All these diamonds and gold; while they are valuable in the outside world,
they seem to have lost their value due to their common abundance here."
"Ah yes, this reminds me of a certain story I've read.
The kingdom of Laputa... Where people have full knowledge about maths and science, but fail to use them properly."
"Yeah, just like our world, knowledge like math and science were very valuable back then, just like diamonds and gold...
Nowadays, people acquire plenty of knowledge, but the majority also fail to make any practical use of it."
"Do you think the story of Laputa predicted the future, Renko?"
"Perhaps the author saw something from the future and got inspired to write his own book?
Or he might as well have crossed a border of reality and fantasy, too."
"I wonder... Maybe reality and fantasy do not have much difference, after all."
"Maybe, but it is necessary to define what makes fantasy, and what doesn't."

#第08話 宮殿の金剛の涙







#09 Unseen Madness

After walking through the corridor and enjoying the fanciness of the palace, the duo arrived at a small room.
Video screens were everywhere, showing many facets of the city.

"Video screens? Looks like technology is more advanced than we thought."
"What on Earth is going on here... Is the city constantly being filmed?"

Maribel took a look around, but there was nobody here. It was only the two of them.
She then rested on a desk nearby.

"Who could be watching? It looks like someone was here before."
"They are either out, or this place is abandoned. Such a shame though, I wouldn't mind living here.
I'd definitely get rid of these devices though."

"Oh ? This is..."
"Found something, Merry ?"

Maribel picked up a book from the desk she was resting on and opened it.

"There's no title, and the writing style reminds me of a diary. It suddenly stops midway though."
"Lemme see!"

- 29th of June, a strange man has finally managed to enter the barrier protecting the city.
We did not have any visitors for quite a while, so this is kind of surprising.
Seems like only a select few can cross it, so I am not worried.
Those denied of greed are free to come and leave as they wish.
However, they mustn't stay here for too long. This place is set between illusion and reality.
When both the mind and the body are divided in two for too long, they break. I wish I could warn him, but I cannot leave.

After watching over this city during my entire reign, I realized people have started to fear me.
I don't understand, I'm doing this for our safety, this is why I must know everything.

"That's a creepy way a thinking, was he okay?"
"To make an entire city out of the gold of the dead, I don't think so."
"The book looks very old though, some pages are in shambles... Maybe he died a long time ago?"
"But the people are still remaining silent in fear of getting caught. Do they even know he died?"
"I don't think so. This rule of silence was maybe told generations to generations, to eventually become a myth to live by."
"That's sad... I'd love to tell them, but just like our society, some facts are best kept secret.
We'd be the crazy people here."
"Most importantly, I think we should go. All we have to do is to cross that volcano's barrier one more time, right ?"
"So it was that easy all along? Let's hurry!"

#09話 アンシーンマドネス


「ビデオスクリーン? 思ったより技術が進んでいるみたいね」


「誰かが監視しているのかしら? 以前に誰かここにいたみたいだけど」




-月29日 奇妙な男がついに街を守る結界の中に入った。


「そんなに簡単なことだったの? 急ぎましょう!」


#10 Two Snowflakes Wafting Above One Big World

"There we are Renko, we made it!"
"Phew, so we should be back in a dream state now, right?"
"I hope so... Let's try it out. Can you fly?"
"On the count of three..."

The duo took a huge leap to the air and started to float along with the snow.

"Haha, this always feels great!"
"Maybe that's what could differ fantasy and reality?"
"Hm, did you say something, Merry?"
"Hmm, it's nothing. I was talking to myself a bit."
"Ah, I see."

Maribel didn't know, but Renko could already see what she was thinking about.
The border between these two quantum states is very thin, but definable.
Fantasy could be described as a world where there are no laws of physics, where anything can be possible.
Resurrection, infinite wealth, immortality, paranormal abilities...

However, fantasy needs, compared to reality, a host. Someone in control, someone who creates that universe.

"Hey, Renko?"
"That man the ruler described, the one who crossed the barrier... Do you think he was an author as well?"
"Well... It could be possible!"
"I'd like to write about it too.."
"That's actually a good idea. If that's what you want, I'd like to help you too."
"Thanks Renko."

#10話 一つの大世界の上に漂う二つの雪片








# Afterword

Hello everyone, this is Aka Kyuketsuki! How have you been? Did you enjoy Touhou 16's demo?
I did, a lot.

I've been planning this CD since January, which is quite a lot. I got a bit lazy sometimes, but I also
had to focus on my exams and driving licence.

Worry not though, I passed both of them! Yey.
At first, I didn't want to pass too much time on the story, but as I was writing it with Kirbio, I realized we
were creating something really nice, so we got deeper into it ~

As for the songs, despite many mixing problems along the way, they got pretty much fixed, so I'm pretty proud of them.
Did you like them by the way? They should be the main interest after all lol.

Hope you'll enjoy these songs and the story as well, may they be memorable!

- Team alternative Ending : Aka Kyuketsuki (Can't wait for Touhou 16's full release!)


みなさんこんにちは、Aka Kyuketsukiです! 皆様いかがお過ごしでしたか?東方16thのデモ*10は楽しめましたか?



ところで、気に入ってもらえましたか? それが結局一番気になっています(笑)


- Team αlternative Σnding.:Aka Kyuketsuki(東方16thのフルリリースが待ち遠しいですね!)



フランスから出てきた秘封風にジュール・ヴェルヌの『地底旅行』やミシェル・フーコーの『監獄の誕生』を下敷きにした感じの話が出てくるのでアツい。ジョナサン・スウィフトオーウェルも出てくるぜ、という感じ。良いですね。ともかくみなさん、『北海道調査~Traces of Utopian Civilisation』を聴きましょう。














*5:「現実と幻想」に修正しました。基本的にfantasyの訳語としては「夢」を用いているが、ここでは「空想」としている。dreamの訳語も「夢」として用いているため、細かいニュアンスが伝わりにくくなっている部分があるかもしれない。この後も何度か「reality and fantasy」という言葉は出てくるが、基本的に「現実と夢」と訳している。






*11:弾幕風のゲームを作成する海外サークル「Team αlternative Σnding.」のリーダー・Kirbio氏のこと。Aka Kyuketsuki氏はそのメンバーでもある。